Monday, May 16, 2011

Best Gadgets

Best Gadgets For The Year 2010
Executive SummaryBy Maaz Syed

Many companies launched some of the most exciting products that captured audience's eyes, and became major selling products of 2010. Apple iPad the touch screen net book was the most speculated gadget of 2009, many bloggers speculated the design and specification of this gadget, but the real thing came in November 22, 2010. iPad can be termed as the best gadget of 2010; as it was the first net book of its kind, it was an innovative device of Apple, many companies tried to launch similar devices like iPad but no one made an impact like iPad did. So iPad is indeed one of the best gadgets of 2010.

Amazon Kindle though is not a new gadget; it was launched in November 22, 2007 (Wikipedia, 2011). Amazon Kindle is an E-reading device and its market comprises of students and people who love to read. Amazon reported that Amazon Kindle broke the record of Harry Potter in 2010 as the most selling item at Amazon (Amazon, 2011)

Cell phone is the one gadget which has made tremendous advancement in 21st century.And in 2010 most of the advanced cell phones were introduced. The competition in cell phone's market is more than any other consumer electronics product. Since the launch of first iPhone in 2007, iPhone has become the hot trend and no other company has been able to beat iPhone for its graphics and features. Consumer electronics market is very volatile and to remain in the business of gadgets require constant innovation.

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